Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Septiembre 15

Imaginence un dia como hoy...Los conspiradores ya quedaron de acuerdo sobre lo que va a suceder al dia siguiente. Imaginence la excitacion, el temor, la ansiedad sobre lo que va a ocurrir.
Imaginence el paso que se va a tomar al hacer de un territorio Espaniol, o colonia Espaniola, para transformarse en un pais independiente. Con su propio gobierno, independiente de toda corona o monarquia.

Y luego despues de tanto tiempo que ha pasado?.
Claro que Mexico se independizo de Espania, pero para que?.
Para que el pueblo siga siendo jodido por los mismos que se llaman Mexicanos, que si pudieran darian su nacionalidad por ser de otro pais de primera linea mientras siguen chingando a su pais y ciudadanos..

Muchos paises han pasado por lo mismo, pero el resultado final o cuando menos lo que se ve hoy en dia es muy diferente el uno del otro.
Y es tan aparente en paises de Latinoamerica, los mismos resultados y problemas.
Por un lado es bonito tener patria y nacionalidad. Se siente chingon el decir, "Viva Mexico", pero al mimo tiempo, da coraje el observar todas las chingaderas con que someten a la poblacion.
Ni modo, de todas maneras, "no le hace", "Hay se va"..

No This isn't 5 de Mayo (MAY-5) It is however September 15th, the true date when Mexico celebrates its independence from Spain. Then again, all that is history now. Yes, like many other countries that fought for their independence from European Colonizers.
Mexico went through the same, as well as its own civil war, with factions fighting for control of the country and its resources.
Does it matter how truly and independent country is when its population is still exploited and abused by its "independent" government?. I don't believe that a worker in Mexico cares whether his or her employer is Mexican, American or Korean. As long as he or she has a job, that is all that matters.
Nationality matters when it comes to sports. "Si se puede" is a common chant during soccer matches, where the Mexican team faces foreign teams, whether at home or abroad. All class barriers come down when the Mexican team wins. Office workers, wearing suit and tie mingle with the factory worker and the street vendor. Everyone goes to the rallies at the Famous Angel de la Independenciaeach time the team wins.

But, getting back to the fact of "independence, does it really matter that Mexico became independent?..
Yes, it is a process that the country had to go through inevitably. All countries went through it around the same time on this continent. It had to happen. So during this week, at least in Mexico, it gives everyone a time to feel proud about their history and background. It makes you feel good about belonging to something "big". It is symbolic.
As I stated before though, the poor don't care that they are Mexican, Guatemalan or American. So if you are Mexican or feel like one at times, and for what it's worth,

1 comment:

Bellota said...

buaaa a la fregada todos los politicos, los delincuentes... solo esta en nuestras manos ayudar :(