Thursday, September 01, 2005


One more month gone by. and what a month it's been. Crazy everywhere. It makes me think that we may be indeed approaching those "biblical" last days...
Or at least it makes me realize how fragile we are-As Sting so eloquently said. I resolve to be kinder to everyone around me. Maybe that will get me on God's good side (I hope)..Cause certainly I do not attend church regularly as I'm "supposed" to. Nonetheless, I must do my best to be a good person. Scout's Promise.

Otro mes mas y que mes. Todo tan mal por todos lados. Me hace pensar que estamos cada vez mas cerca al fin del mundo-biblica o religiosamente hablando. Como dijo Sting-Que Fragiles somos. Yo prometo ser mas buena gente con todos. A lo mejor asi dios me reserva un lugar alla arriba o de perdis-le caigo bien. Yo la verdad no voy a la iglesia regularmente como "debe ser".
De todas maneras, Voy a hacer lo posible por ser mejor-Palabra de Scout.


The Humanity Critic said...

Just passing through, I'm liking the blog by the way.

x said...

how MUCH better can you be Cisco? Get real. :)

Bellota said...

mmm :)