Saturday, September 17, 2005

19- 09-1985

Talking about national tragedies, it is going to be 20 years since the earthquake in Mexico City that killed thousands of people. I was not there when it happened, though my family was. I was in California (Los Angeles) during the Withier and Nortridge quakes.
I wonder what kind of memories the bloggers have about the Mexico City Earthquake. Since most mexican bloggers tend to be young early to mid twenties. Most had to be between 3 to 10 years old then. Or is this one of those events that they only know through family or other's experiences (As is my case).
What have your experiences been with "national" Tragedies?

Hablando de tragedias nacionales, en dos dias va a ser el 20 aniversario de el terremoto en la ciudad de Mexico. Yo emigre a los EEUU en Enero de ese anio. Aunque mis padres y hermanas estaban en la capital y cuernavaca, que gracias a dios no les paso nada.
Que memorias tienen los Bloggers de Mexico?. Yo creo que la mayoria de bloggers tendrian entre 3 y diez anios de edad cuando ocurrio eso. Lo vivieron personalmente o a travez de familiares y amigos que si lo vivieron (Como es mi caso).
Yo estuve en California cuando tuvimos los teremotos de Whitier y Nortridge-No se compara a lo de Mexico, pero muy parecido.
Cuales fueron tus experiencias?

PS. Posting from home today. New job begins today


Jezebel said...

wow. I hadnt thought sbout of that earthquake in years. I vaguely remember watching the news coverage and my Mom crying and telling me to pray the rosary with her.
PS: Good luck on your first day at work!

x said...

we had 2 major earthquakes here in Greece the last 20+ years. One was 7.2 (Richter scale)and I was a pupil then. We went to the park, people were living in tents for ages. In the second one my son was a baby and i was horrified since i was alone with him at home. I run out of the house in my pyjamas holding him.I could see the buildings coming towards me. Many many people died, not by the thousands though like in Mexico. Greece is a very seismic country.

Bellota said...

espantosa tragedia, de la cual se salio adelante una vez mas gracias a los civiles

un beso