Ramblings, Observations, Father of 5. Two teenagers and a set of Triplets in toddler stage. Please don't tell me I have my hands full.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Christmas Again
Christmas is very stressing. There's gifts to buy. People to see. Places to go. Lots of money spent. Do we really know why?
I remember a time when all that mattered was to be clOse to and around the people u cared for. Yes, there were presents; simple affordable that were given out of love rather than obligation. At times nowadays it feels like an obligation because of the number of people you give stuff to.
I wish there was a way of showing your appreciation and thankfulness without spending an arm and a leg.
Christmas doesn't stop being Christmas no matter what you spend or who you are with. Christmas is what you make of it. Christmas is as meaningful as you make it. Your kids and family are Christmas. Everything ls is pocket change.
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Random Thoughts on the state of our country, our world and Herman Cain
What a year this has been. At the end of last year, both Cecilia and Charlie were still at the hospital with Charlie not getting out till February. Then home with brand new babies, a whole new experience all together.
It's been a crazy ride and it gets even crazier. Have you been following politics lately?
Our current crop of candidates (Republican) are a complete mess. At this point it is their contest to lose. Obama is a lame duck who doesn't even remember if he is a Democrat or still a Senator from Illinois, maybe right now he actually wishes he was from Indonesia and not a US Citizen,(sorry birthers).
It is unfortunate that our first black president was saddled with such challenges as the wars and the economic crash, all brought on by previous administrations (read-Bush)
It reminds me of the time I was in 5th Grade at boarding school. On a weekend when I decided to stay at school rather than go home, a few kids were playing with marbles close to the swimming pool and one of them (marble) went into the water. I was close enough to them where the teacher who was "babysitting" us thought that I had tossed the marble in the water.
As the marble slowly rolled towards the diving pool, he "asked" me to go and retrieve it. I did not know how to swim at the time and sure enough, clothes shoes, and all, he made me jump into the diving pool (from the middle diving board) to "retrieve" the marble.
I came close to drowning that two of his good swimmers had to go in and help me out of the water.
Obama is in almost the same situation. Someone else tossed in two wars and a mess into wall street, he comes along wanting to be the president with only 4 years in which to fix it all and ends up almost drowning. Right now he is just coasting to re-election thanks to the bunch of crazies on the Republican side.
Once Romney gets his shit together, he might be the only one viable enough candidate to beat Obama, unless some skeleton in a dark closet appears (quite possible).
Bachman will never be the first woman president.
Cain will never be the second black president or ever be a president at all. he might have had a better chance if he was a democrat. Democrats forgive indiscretions, Republicans pounce on them if they are Democrats, otherwise they squirm and make no comments until they are ready to resign.
I started this post days before Cain decided to "suspend" his candidacy.
Here's whats next for him.
Divorce from his wife. Continue running for some office unless. He is probably going to expect to be nominated as secretary of state for whomever wins the Presidency. (Fat chance)
It's been a crazy ride and it gets even crazier. Have you been following politics lately?
Our current crop of candidates (Republican) are a complete mess. At this point it is their contest to lose. Obama is a lame duck who doesn't even remember if he is a Democrat or still a Senator from Illinois, maybe right now he actually wishes he was from Indonesia and not a US Citizen,(sorry birthers).
It is unfortunate that our first black president was saddled with such challenges as the wars and the economic crash, all brought on by previous administrations (read-Bush)
It reminds me of the time I was in 5th Grade at boarding school. On a weekend when I decided to stay at school rather than go home, a few kids were playing with marbles close to the swimming pool and one of them (marble) went into the water. I was close enough to them where the teacher who was "babysitting" us thought that I had tossed the marble in the water.
As the marble slowly rolled towards the diving pool, he "asked" me to go and retrieve it. I did not know how to swim at the time and sure enough, clothes shoes, and all, he made me jump into the diving pool (from the middle diving board) to "retrieve" the marble.
I came close to drowning that two of his good swimmers had to go in and help me out of the water.
Obama is in almost the same situation. Someone else tossed in two wars and a mess into wall street, he comes along wanting to be the president with only 4 years in which to fix it all and ends up almost drowning. Right now he is just coasting to re-election thanks to the bunch of crazies on the Republican side.
Once Romney gets his shit together, he might be the only one viable enough candidate to beat Obama, unless some skeleton in a dark closet appears (quite possible).
Bachman will never be the first woman president.
Cain will never be the second black president or ever be a president at all. he might have had a better chance if he was a democrat. Democrats forgive indiscretions, Republicans pounce on them if they are Democrats, otherwise they squirm and make no comments until they are ready to resign.
I started this post days before Cain decided to "suspend" his candidacy.
Here's whats next for him.
Divorce from his wife. Continue running for some office unless. He is probably going to expect to be nominated as secretary of state for whomever wins the Presidency. (Fat chance)
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Another Thanksgiving to celebrate. Pies are cooked, veggies are clean chopped and prepped. Turkeys have been defrosting for the last couple of days. Oh Yeah! I forgot to mention that the babies finally slept all night long. Catherine whined and cried for a little bit, which woke me up at 4:00 AM. I prepared her a bottle, which is still sitting by her crib, let the dog out and I was not able to go back to sleep.
So here I am. Facing another Thanksgiving holiday.
We have always celebrated Thanksgiving in San Francisco at Bill and Debbie's. The last couple of years it's changed because of work schedule (mine) and the arrival of the triplets. This year we made the decision that we would start our own tradition and have Thanksgiving diner at home. We invited Melissa's parents and my brother Max and his family will be here as well.
There is much to be thankfull for.
To begin with, I am thankfull that our babies are healthy. Catherine is walking and talking while Cecilia and Charlie are not far behind.
olivia and Anthony are turning into little adults. Soon they will graduate into full blown teenagers. They are great kids with much promise and have the support and love of their extended family. I am thankfull for that. Melissa and I have had some challenging days brought on by the pressure of raising triplets. It is not easy to stay home and day in and day out deal with three very active babies though she has stuck to her routine and schedule with them which has made it somewhat easier on her. We try and make time for each other and that is where it gets rough. My schedule at work continues to be crazy with the long weekends so by the time Saturday arrives, I am useless at home and i'm not myslef till Monday rolls around.
I am thankfull I still have a job in a town and industry that has been hit hard by the economic situation, where people's hours and salaries have been cut jsut in order to keep a pay check coming.
There is also much to gripe about but today is not the day.
I am thankfull for the friends in my life that have remained constant and for those who left good memories of past Thanksgivings.
Now, to enjoy some good food and great company.
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
New Experiences
The triplets have turned a year old, To celebrate we headed out ot Disneyland with the family. At least my wife's side of the family. Itturned ou to be a great week/end getaway. The babies seemed to have enjoyed all the sights and sounds.
Today they are headed to LA for an audition.
One of Melissa's doctors suggested that we should sign the babies with an agent. Not sure if this was a joke or an actual real thought. Well, it turns out that his wife owns a talent agency here in town an dtheir daughter is acting in movies, commercials and such. So he knew what he was talking about. Eventually we followed his advice and signed up the babies with the talent agency.
They'd already had a casting call but it turned out to be during our anniversary weekend gettaway.
This time they got selected for an audition. Of course it is all the way down in L.A. The only two selected were Charlie and Cecilia, but of course Catherine is tagging along. You never know.
It will be good if they get it. It will get Melissa out of the house and with enough to do other than laundry, bottles, and house cleaning. Of ocurse if I am able to go, I will be there.
In the meantime, I am enjoying the solitude right now with a nice hot cup of coffee.
"Sexy Feet', Sexy Feet", "Sexy Feet"
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
One Year Olds
It's been rough, challening, sometimes depressing and at times it seems hopeless. Now you look at the entire past year and it's all been worth it. Their smiles, their little sounds and cooing. Their looks of amazement at everything around them.
Their fight and struggle to grow and stay healthy from the time they were little embrios. Now a year later, its been all worth it. I would not do anything diferently. When we found out that Melissa was pregnant, there was no doubt or hesitation that we were having a baby (at the time). Once we found out that they were multiples, even then, there were no hesitations.
Now that they are turning a year old we could not be happier at the big event so we are going to celebrate in The Happiest Place on Earth. Disneyland!
the whole family is headed there with our big kids in tow. So they'll miss a couple of days of school. It will also be nice because we did not do anything with them during their summer vacation, (though they did plenty).
I got one more day at work which should be fairly quick and then off for a week. it will be good to clear my mind if at least from work related crap.
We'll be posting updates daily on Facebook.
Their fight and struggle to grow and stay healthy from the time they were little embrios. Now a year later, its been all worth it. I would not do anything diferently. When we found out that Melissa was pregnant, there was no doubt or hesitation that we were having a baby (at the time). Once we found out that they were multiples, even then, there were no hesitations.
Now that they are turning a year old we could not be happier at the big event so we are going to celebrate in The Happiest Place on Earth. Disneyland!
the whole family is headed there with our big kids in tow. So they'll miss a couple of days of school. It will also be nice because we did not do anything with them during their summer vacation, (though they did plenty).
I got one more day at work which should be fairly quick and then off for a week. it will be good to clear my mind if at least from work related crap.
We'll be posting updates daily on Facebook.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
My Life History in Chapters for my children

This list is for my children.
I know I cannot condense may years into one post, so I will try my best to do it in several posts. It isn't easy to remember every little aspect of some one's life particularly when that someone is 46 years old. But as we remember things and or dig into the past, we will fill many chapters.
Starting with
My childhood was spent in Mexico City from when I was about 5 or ever since I can remember. During that time, I remember the first few places that we lived right after my parents emigrated to The Capital from the State of Oaxaca. I had already done first grade back in San Miguel (Do you know how many towns and or villages are named San Miguel in the entire country of Mexico?) Google it.
So when I arrived in Mexico City I started second grade at an elementary school named "Heroes de Zacapoaxtla" in COlonia Moctezuma Segunda Seccion. Third grade was also in that same school, though if I remember well, I had to repeat second grade for some reason. Perhaps because Spanish was not my first language, but rather Zapotec. Interesting how history repeats itself with so many migrants coming from Mexico with their kids into the U.S. Of course neither speaks English so when they start school at an American school, they are at a disadvantage because of the difference in language.
There will be more about these early years in subsequent chapters. In the meantime, enjoy these tidbits of my first 15 years of memories(some not so memorable).
First Visit of John Paul II to Mexico City - I saw him from a distance.
Also spent an entire night in the basilica as a boy scout controlling and directing traffic inside the church (December 12-big day)
Disco Music - Disco Inferno anyone?
Mom and Dad splitting in 1976 - Many chapters will be written about this.
Queen Concert in the City of Puebla (Why not Mexico City?)
Kiss at Azteca Stadium
Star Wars, Jaws, Saturday Night Fever, Grease.
Dressing up as Kiss (Peter Criss) for Halloween.
After Disco came: Duran Duran, Culture Club and many more. Disco was dead.
MTV arrived - Cindy Lauper's Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - one of the first videos shown? - Video Killed the Radio Star, 99 Red Balloons.
Panasonic Boom box!
Later on Michael Jackson's Thriller.
Arrival of Cd's death of cassettes.
Sony Walkman
Jordache and Sergio Valente designer Jeans.
Dallas and Dynasty - never got into them - 6 Million Dollar Man (Lee Majors) yes. cool show.
Left/Communist Vs. US Supported governments in Central America.
Election of Ronald Reagan - at time it was feared that he would get us into a war with the Soviet Union - What? You don't know what the Soviet Union was?
My oldest sister gave me the saddest news upon returning from a vacation in the mountains (John Lennon had been shot)
I remember riding Trolleys in Mexico City. The kind they still ride in New Orleans.
Overthrow of Somoza in Nicaragua and arrival of Sandinistas in power - This after a widely viewed clip of a reporter being shot by a government soldier. Public opinion turned against US support for government in Nicaragua and that ensured the success of the Sandinistas.
Arrival of Gorbachev in power in Soviet Union and subsequent collapse of Union (Lech Walesa- Poland - also a catalyst force in the collapse of Soviets)
Fall of Berlin Wall.
Lost my appendix in 1985
Westin Bonaventure Hotel
Don't remember the first Shuttle launch, but do remember the explosion of the Challenger. sitting in my Aunt's couch and watching my cousins play (Jairo and Leslie)
First American friends - Mary Beattie, Vicky Basil, David Ewards - Weekends in Palm Springs.
Trip Across country - 4 weeks of driving in a 280Z (Mary's)
Checkers Hotel/Thomas Keller
Moved to South Pasadena
Went to Pasadena City College (Go Lancers)
Met your Mom.
Moved to Pasadena
Adopted Charlie (Cat)
More to come
Sunday, July 10, 2011
"You Must Have Your Hands Full"
No matter who they are: family, friends, acquaintances, strangers, they all say the same thing when we mention we have triplets.
"You must have your hands full"
I'm definitely beginning to hate the phrase. Then it is followed by "Are you getting any sleep"?
Quite observant people, I Think to myself. Indeed, I am not getting enough sleep. Working weekends at the club prepared me for my now irregular sleeping pattern. Late into bed; waiting for Cecilia to wake up at 1:00AM before she goes down for the rest of the night, then an hour later to have Charlie wake up 'cause she is hungry. After she goes down, then if I am lucky, Catherine will sleep till 7:00AM, otherwise, 5:30 it is. So it is 1 hour of sleep, then 3, then up for the rest of the day 'till work beckons. Sometimes I can sneak a short nap before getting ready for work.
No i don/t have my hands full. If anyone has her hands full is my wife. In addition to caring for the babies, she has to contend with our teens along with the household duties that she has to deal with. She has more than full hands.
Throw in all the emotional feelings of abandonment each time I go to work, the dissapontment of having those close to her not be as helpful as they made it out to be and you have a very unhappy person. Yes, she has her hands full and when people point it out, it is rather annoying.
"You must have your hands full"
I'm definitely beginning to hate the phrase. Then it is followed by "Are you getting any sleep"?
Quite observant people, I Think to myself. Indeed, I am not getting enough sleep. Working weekends at the club prepared me for my now irregular sleeping pattern. Late into bed; waiting for Cecilia to wake up at 1:00AM before she goes down for the rest of the night, then an hour later to have Charlie wake up 'cause she is hungry. After she goes down, then if I am lucky, Catherine will sleep till 7:00AM, otherwise, 5:30 it is. So it is 1 hour of sleep, then 3, then up for the rest of the day 'till work beckons. Sometimes I can sneak a short nap before getting ready for work.
No i don/t have my hands full. If anyone has her hands full is my wife. In addition to caring for the babies, she has to contend with our teens along with the household duties that she has to deal with. She has more than full hands.
Throw in all the emotional feelings of abandonment each time I go to work, the dissapontment of having those close to her not be as helpful as they made it out to be and you have a very unhappy person. Yes, she has her hands full and when people point it out, it is rather annoying.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Charlie The 17 Year Old Cat
I had to put my cat to sleep. She was a wonderful cat. (I didn't know what else to post about Charlie) I think it was such an emotional moment that I did not want to relive it.
Post from June 18. This year
Charlie She was 16 years old when she passed.
Post from June 18. This year
Charlie She was 16 years old when she passed.
Thursday, June 09, 2011
12,12 Cecilia
11.15 Charlie
13.8 Catherine
That is their current weight. Charlie can hold her bottle with both hands, take the bottle out and then put it back in. Catherine should be crawling anytime and is also sprouting a tooth. Cecilia is mellow and sweet. Not too much concern for wanting to hold her own bottle or roll around. All three have very strong necks and can hold their own while being held up. All three are eating solids (pureed) that Melissa prepares at home. They were baptized with their "aunties and uncles" as their Godparents.
They are all doing excellent, including their older siblings who finish the school year today and looking forward to their Summer vacations. Anthony unfortunately will have to attend Summer school.
Melissa and I happy as clams (How does anyone know about Clam happiness?)
You've been updated.
11.15 Charlie
13.8 Catherine
That is their current weight. Charlie can hold her bottle with both hands, take the bottle out and then put it back in. Catherine should be crawling anytime and is also sprouting a tooth. Cecilia is mellow and sweet. Not too much concern for wanting to hold her own bottle or roll around. All three have very strong necks and can hold their own while being held up. All three are eating solids (pureed) that Melissa prepares at home. They were baptized with their "aunties and uncles" as their Godparents.
They are all doing excellent, including their older siblings who finish the school year today and looking forward to their Summer vacations. Anthony unfortunately will have to attend Summer school.
Melissa and I happy as clams (How does anyone know about Clam happiness?)
You've been updated.
Friday, May 13, 2011

Life is coming on fast. Big Kids are 12 and soon 13. Babies are 7 months today and growing quickly. Their personalities are beginning to show and it is quite interesting to see how they are each displaying a little bit of our own personalities while they develop their own.
It's been a crazy 5 months since they've been home. Malissa has had a rough time dealing with all three when there is no one home and I am at work. Unfortunately my job keeps me out of the house on average 12 hours each day, so by the time I come home, Melissa is exhausted from dealing with all babies. I try and help out by getting up in the middle of the night when one or two wake up to get fed.
We've also been busy with doctor's appointments which thank goodness have stopped in frequency. We have yet to purchase a minivan- looking for a specific kind at a price we can deal with (Remember - 1 income household now)So it is quite the trek when we are going somewhere with all 3 of them, being to church or appointments. Currently we have to take both cars with two babies in one and the third one in another car.
Melissa's mom comes to the house from time to time to help out. The kids also help out a lot. I think that combination has helped Melissa to maintain her sanity. On my days off, it is my turn to do most of the baby duties, though of course as long as Melissa is in the house, she helps.
Never for one moment in my life did I think I was going to be raising multiple babies. Sometimes when they are asleep or just sitting in their swings playing, I stare and stare in disbelief. What happened? How did it happen? Was this all planned by the all mighty God? because I didn't plan for this and neither did Melissa. I am not regretting it, I am just amazed at all the twists and turns that life takes. One day you are driving along PCH making plans to travel to exotic places now that the "kids are older" Next thing you know, you are installing car seats in your cars, setting up play pens, remaking a den into a nursery.
Life comes at you fast. You better be ready.
Friday, February 04, 2011
Cecilia has been home for 4 days now. Both Cecilia and Charlie should have been here but Charlie pulled out her G-tube completely out of her stomach. Of course this caused an infection somewhere in her tummy after the doctors replaced the G-Tube, so she was checked back into the NICU. This all happened Sunday. One day before they both were ready to be discharged. Both had passed all kinds of tests (including the car seat)..
I am posting this today December 9, 2011. (I started it on February- and never finished it)
I am posting this today December 9, 2011. (I started it on February- and never finished it)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Its midnight.
Catherine has been wake since about eight at night and with each hour that passes, I hope she goes to sleep so I can put her in her bed.
There is only so many news channels or Great Discovery Channel shows you can watch before you are just completely tired and yet, she is still awake.
Every now and the she lets out a whimper which is bound to become a cry for food.
After eating (Do they eat at this age?) about two ounces of formula and a slight burp, she pretends that she is asleep.
Finally I can put her down so I can also go to sleep.
Wrong. As soon as I put her down she wakes up.
There goes another ounce of formula.
By now it is two o'clock and we both feel asleep. Me with a crooked neck and her over my chest.
I get up and take her to her room. Gently place her in her bed waiting for a loud cry but she only lets out a small cry. I wait by her crib in case she wakes up crying but this time I got lucky. It is now about two thirty as I climb into bed.
Melissa stirs into bed not knowing that in about three hours it will be her turn to change diapers, get a bottle ready with formula and start her day.
Hopefully I can sleep till about ten in the morning but also knowing that by eight, I will be up.
And this is only with one baby. Wait till the other two come home (Perhaps Sunday)
Catherine has been wake since about eight at night and with each hour that passes, I hope she goes to sleep so I can put her in her bed.
There is only so many news channels or Great Discovery Channel shows you can watch before you are just completely tired and yet, she is still awake.
Every now and the she lets out a whimper which is bound to become a cry for food.
After eating (Do they eat at this age?) about two ounces of formula and a slight burp, she pretends that she is asleep.
Finally I can put her down so I can also go to sleep.
Wrong. As soon as I put her down she wakes up.
There goes another ounce of formula.
By now it is two o'clock and we both feel asleep. Me with a crooked neck and her over my chest.
I get up and take her to her room. Gently place her in her bed waiting for a loud cry but she only lets out a small cry. I wait by her crib in case she wakes up crying but this time I got lucky. It is now about two thirty as I climb into bed.
Melissa stirs into bed not knowing that in about three hours it will be her turn to change diapers, get a bottle ready with formula and start her day.
Hopefully I can sleep till about ten in the morning but also knowing that by eight, I will be up.
And this is only with one baby. Wait till the other two come home (Perhaps Sunday)
Friday, January 21, 2011

Last post here on Blogger was around Halloween and I have been fairly busy during all that time. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Visits to the hospital, family in town, Vacation at work, Stressing from work, you name it.
I've been waiting to keep this blog a little more up to date with the goings on around my babies (Well, Melissa's babies too- she did most of the work).
Another milestone is quickly approaching. First it was the birth of the 3C's, then came the arrival of Catherine at home. That was back in early December. Throughout all that time, Cecilia and Charlie haven't had such a great time at the hospital, though they are growing at a good pace, 8 pounds back and forth lately, they are having issues with keeping their food down. The doctors have changed their formula to a heavier cereal type and that has helped, some days the eat all of their bottle without spitting up and some days, they just do not want to eat. At this rate they could stay in the hospital for a while and we do not want that. We've been expecting them home for well over a month now and there is no progress.
So, the milestone now is going to be a quick operation on them to install a feeding tube while also tightening the top of their stomachs to avoid any more acid reflux.
This is going to allow for them to come home. We hope that this will help them get over their issues while they get all the personal attention they need and crave.
They've been off of oxygen for a while, so the only issue has been the feeding and their issue with reflux- Charlie more so than Cecilia.
It's been rough the last couple of months. With splitting time between work, home, hospital visits at 11:00 or 11:00PM (After I get out of work)and also tending to our two pre-teens, who are a great help.
It is also rough on Melissa on the weekends when I work long hours and into the morning; which means when I get home all I want to do is sleep, but since it is the time when Catherine wakes up to eat, I stay up with her usually into 6-6:30 in the morning. I am not complaining. She is a great baby so far.
She sleeps at regular intervals so we know when she'll be asleep, crying, or eating, sometimes she will also stay up and just chill for a good three hours.
All of that is going to change when Cecilia and Charlie come home. It is going to take a huge adjustment for all of us. As of right now, I am on medical leave for a few weeks to help with their care and transition into home. Once we settle on a routine for them, it will be time to go back to work.
Until then, I hope to keep you updated more often in the next feww weeks.
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