Thursday, June 09, 2011


12,12 Cecilia
11.15 Charlie
13.8 Catherine

That is their current weight. Charlie can hold her bottle with both hands, take the bottle out and then put it back in. Catherine should be crawling anytime and is also sprouting a tooth. Cecilia is mellow and sweet. Not too much concern for wanting to hold her own bottle or roll around. All three have very strong necks and can hold their own while being held up. All three are eating solids (pureed) that Melissa prepares at home. They were baptized with their "aunties and uncles" as their Godparents.
They are all doing excellent, including their older siblings who finish the school year today and looking forward to their Summer vacations. Anthony unfortunately will have to attend Summer school.
Melissa and I happy as clams (How does anyone know about Clam happiness?)
You've been updated.

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