Monday, August 25, 2008


In the past 2 weeks I have read 3 books which I thought I would share with you.
During our outing to Pasadena last week, Melissa and I looked for Waiter Rant the book by "The Waiter". We stopped through a couple of stores and none had it. Eventually I find the one and only copy of it at a Barnes and Noble on Fairfax. Excellent description of what happens in the restaurant industry from the view of a waiter. I used to be a waiter once and can relate to most everything in the book. Entertaining.
The second book I picked up just because I was bored and ready for more reading. John Grisham's The Broker.
It is a quick and fast paced story, much similar to all his stories about lawyers and courtrooms. It keeps you interested in the on goings of an attorney who's being "hidden" by the CIA only with the purpose of getting him assassinated by other spies, etc. The setting is in Bologna, so you get a detailed description of this Italian City through the writer's own experience. Quick read in two days.
While we were in L.A. Melissa also picked up, The Art of Racing in the Rain by, Garth Stein. This novel tugs at your heart with each page as it tells a story through a dog's eyes who thinks of himself almost human. The dog, Enzo, is witness to the trials and tribulations of a young race car driver as he struggles with his career, then marriage 'till his whole life is in complete turmoil and hits bottom.
It is a story that personally hits too close to home and definitely recommend the book to anyone.

Let me know if you read them.

1 comment:

Ms. Marie said... the way...I found Waiter Rant for :) Remember, you didn't want to ask...xoxoxox