Saturday, March 07, 2015

Girls' Soccer - Third Season

The girls started "playing" soccer last year. Not sure whether they were going to like it or hate it, we went at it like every parent sticking their kid(s) into a sport or activity not of their choosing. 

I believe our expectations were much higher that theirs so it was very frustrating to Melissa and I when the girls would just stand around on the field while everyone else attempted to chase the ball. There were other kids who acted the same way while their parents also yelled and pulled their hair in exasperation.
Joining the team was not cheap, so yanking them out after the first two or three sessions was not an option. With encouragement from their coach and after much consideration, we signed
them up for the second season hoping they would take to it and have fun. Of course they were having fun, it was us parents who were not.
Season two was at beginning of Fall last year.
They were a little more willing to participate this time around though every now and then, they would still act up and revert to playing with grass while their teammates either ran around them or joined them at staring at flowers.
We still were not 100 percent convinced that they were into it and with Melissa being the only one dealing with practice nights while I was at work, we still debated whether they would com back for Spring.
Spring is but two weeks away and their third season began today. The difference in their level of participation and understanding of the game is, as Kitty would say, "fantastic". 

I've had the chance to be at some of their practices now that I'm not working nights anymore and I can see a huge difference from last year to this one and I'm looking forward to not just their practices but their games as well. Even if they just stand in the middle for the field while Melissa and I yank our hair out.

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