Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Day Off!


Yes, I got, or better yet, I gave myself a day off. I hired an assistant who, hopefully will start this week. Now I can begin to schedule myself for day off.
I have been away for a while, nonetheless, I have been keeping up with they bloggs I read.
I got the kids from school. now typing up to sya hello while I enjoy a good Chardonnay. That is whata I call "life"
-No work, chilling, and a nice glass of wine-
How do you relax?

Finalmente tengo un dia de descanzo. Ya contarte un asistente y quiza empieze el en esta semana para yo descansar mas regularmente. Estoy en la computadora, tomando una copa de vino y relajandome. Tambien leyendo los bloggs que acostumbro (Hola Tere).
Eso es lo que se llama vida.

Y tu, Como te relajas?


x said...

i am glad you are back, every time you are back.
I relax with a glass of wine too, with a nice bath, or by talking nonsense with my best friends on the phone, or by just curling up on the sofa and listening to M. and his numerous adventures.

Candy Belen said...

Pues con un vasito de agua fresca, sentadita viendo pasar la gente en la calle, o viendo mi pececito Beta , o acostada en la recámara escuchando buena música. =)

Coco said...

with a good book : )
y claro, dormir bien-
sin pensar en el trabajo!

que descanses!

x said...

hey you!
still okay?