Saturday, September 24, 2005


likes to experiment with cooking-Le gusta experimentar en la cocina
is clean and organized-Es limpia y organizada
likes action and mistery movies-Le gusta peliculas de accion y misterio
loves to travel-Le encanta viajar
loves to read-Le encanta leer
knows about food and wine-Conoce sobre vinos y comidas
is not a snob-No es presumida
likes other cultures and open to all kinds of experiences-le gustan otras culturas y exponerse a ellas
loves children, even those who aren't hers-le encantan los ninios aun cuando no sean de ellas
is independent and not clingy-es independiente y no tan "pegajosa"
is inquisitive but not jealous-es curiosa pero no celosa
has friends-tiene amigo(a)s
is ambitious-es ambisiosa
is understanding and patient-Es paciente y comprensiva
is not shy in bed-No es timida en la cama
does not let a bad experinece doom her for life-No deja que malas experiencias le aruinen la vida o la amarguen
doesn't bitch about every little thing-No jode por culaquier cosa pequenia

What is your ideal partner?-Give me 15 points,
Cual es tu pareja ideal?-Dame 15 puntos


Jezebel said...

You just described me ;)

x said...

The ideal partner
1. Is smart
2. Is attractive in an unconventional way
3. Is honest
4. Is a friend
5. Is adventurous and fun
6. Understands personal freedom, limits, personal space, alone time, friends etc
7. Can cook a couple of things for me
8. Loves children and learns from them
9. Is creative
10. Is squeeky clean and smells wonderfully
11. Has nice fingers
12. Is funny
13. Is s bit crazy
14. Has good taste in books, in films, music etc
15. Loves me to bits

Anonymous said...

The ideal partner has to be non-ideal...if that makes any sense.

Accidental Web Tourist.

Cisco said...

I guess I should have been more specific.
My Ideal, of course I am allowed to dream