After reading a post from a fellow blogger-Chica Regia-(Spanish) in regards to her writing aboutbeing ready to quit her job, it reminded me of my old job as well as the "initial" idea for this blogg.
My blogg was supposed to deal with everything about working for hotels-restaurants. Since that's what I had been doing for the last 15 years.
her post reminded me of the day I made my decision to quit. Of course it did not come in a revelation in just one day. It was an accumulation of my experiences with my staff, my bosses and upper management, including the owner.
I realized that everything I did or did not do would not change the expectations and double standards of the management. So it was an endless circle of hipocrisy and ass kissing. I may have done my share of both but I knew I was not about to continue doing it for a long time.
I think we all know when it is time to change something in our lives. Our left side of the brains tells us, but our right side is not sure, hesitation, doubt, insecurity, but if we follow our guts or instinct, most of the time we'll be all right.
gladwell dot com - blink
of course you can add my blog. I am adding yours too. Thank you.
Te invito a mi blog donde los hombres podremos hablar de nuestras cosas con absoluta libertad.
Me gustaria que pasaras por alli y me dijeras que te parece, ya que soy nuevo en el tema de los blogs y algunos consejos nunca estan de mas.
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