Saturday, April 30, 2005

Cold Feet

Jennifer Wilbanks-AP-Photo

So the "kidnapped" girl Jennifer Wilbanks from Georgia, got cold feet. She ended up taking a bus from there to Vegas-my home town- then back to Albuquerque NM. As Jerry Seinfeld used to say' "What's the deeeeeeal !"

When I got married I knew I wanted to get married to my wife, I believe that she also did, who knows maybe she hid her fears really well but to take off a couple of days before the wedding?....Come on!
Have you heard or do you now of any stories like it? Maybe there are plenty, they just did not get picked up by the Media, then again anytime a girl disappears from her house, regardless of the age, it is reason enough to alert everyone (After all the kidnapping and murder cases in the last couple of months; Utah, Florida, etc) It is a good thing she is alive, maybe time to see a "specialist" or just bring down the guest list to about 10 instead of 600.


  • Do you love her enough to still marry her?
  • Would you postpone the wedding to a future date?
  • Would you pretend to be kidnapped and run away as fast as possible?

I think I would be happy she is alive, but it would be time to "reconsider" and find a girlfriend on line-They are not as wacko! LOL

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